The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

The Board For Certification In Clinical Anaplastology
Governed by leading anaplastologists in practice and academia, the Board endeavors to advance clinical anaplastology by certifying competent clinical anaplastologists, promoting education and research, and elevating the standard of care in professional practice.

Gina Cohen
Gina Cohen started working in the field of Anaplastology in 2006 in the Maxillofacial technician training .

Sharon Haggerty
Sharon Haggerty is a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist who founded her current practice, Custom Prosthetic, Ltd., in Seattle, Washington in 1995.

Paula Sauerborn
Paula Sauerborn, MA, CCA, has specialized in finely detailed custom facial and somato (hand, foot and body) prostheses for over 40 years.