The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.
BCCA Policy of Confidentiality and Non Discrimination
Non Discrimination
The BCCA does not discriminate against any candidate for certification on the basis of race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, parental status, ancestry, sexual orientation, military discharge status or source of income, or any other status protected by law. All candidates for certification will be judged solely on the criteria determined by the BCCA Board of Directors.
The Board is committed to protecting confidential and/or proprietary information related to applicants, candidates, certificants, and the examination development, maintenance, and administration process. The confidentiality policy applies to all BCCA employees, board members, committee members, consultants, and other individuals who are permitted access to confidential information.
Confidential materials include, but are not limited to;an individual’s application, application status, personal applicant/certificant information, examination development documentation, examination items and answers, examination forms, and individual examination scores.
Personal information about a candidate/certificant will only be released to that candidate/certificant if release of the information is authorized in writing by the individual or is required by law. Personal information submitted by candidates /certificants with an application or recertification application is considered confidential. Personal information retained within the candidate/certificant database will be kept confidential.
Examination scores are released only to the examination candidate unless a signed release is provided in writing by the individual or is required by law.