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The Benefits of Certification in Clinical Anaplastology

The Value of the Certified Clinical Anaplastologist (CCA) Designation

CCA is formal recognition  for entry-level anaplastologist professionals who have met rigorous and demanding eligibility requirements, including formal education, subsequent supervised practice in a clinical setting, and passing of the examination.


The CCA demonstrates healthcare-specific competency and a commitment to consumer safety by health professionals who provide patients with customized prosthetic rehabilitation. The prostheses are designed and fabricated to normalize the appearance of the face or body impacted by congenital malformation, traumatic injury, disease or ablative surgery.


Professionals who earn the CCA designation have the clinical skills and knowledge to design and fabricate life-like and functional soft tissue prostheses including facial and other external somatic prostheses as well as ocular prostheses.


The CCA is typically employed in medical practice settings such as university hospital settings, dental clinics  and prosthetics specialty practices.

Why Should Qualified Anaplastologists Apply for Certification?

• This credential demonstrates a depth and breadth of knowledge necessary  for effective practice in the profession of anaplastology.


• The public deserves assurance of competency and            adherence to a code of ethics in our specialized field.

• CCA is preferred or required by some employers.

• Certification is required by governmental bodies for non-physician providers.

• Certification demonstrates a level of commitment to your profession and lifelong learning.


©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

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