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Frequently Asked Questions 

Consult the questions listed below to see if you  find the information you are seeking regarding
Certified Clinical Anaplastology certification.  Please contact us at with any questions. 

  • How is an ear prosthesis made ?
    A Ceritified Clinical Anaplastologists (CCA) has the skills to create life-like facial prostheses, such as an ear prosthesis, that can restore the appearance and precisely fit the underlying anatomy. An ear prosthesis, and other facial prostheses, can be held in place using osseo-integrated inplants. The CCA has the knowledge to interact with other health professionals, such as surgeons and prosthodontists, to guide them in the correct placement of the implants so that the best possible prosthetic restoration takes place when the facial prosthesis is creates by the CCA.
  • Where can I receive training to become a CCA?
    The pathway to becoming a Board Certified Clinical Anaplastologists varies depending on the education and professional pathway of the candidate. The different educational pathways can be found here. Practical experience in a clinical setting can be done by working with an established CCA or prosthodontist to produce the portfolio portion of the CCA application. Locations where the practical experience can be obtained can be found here.
  • Where can I get training for the profession?
    Look at the webiste for the International Anaplastology Association for conferences, courses and webinars. Information on training programs can be found here.
  • I’m in college and want to know what courses and major I should take to pursue the CCA designation.  Where should I start?
    Take a look at the Application Checklist found here. There are 5 educational pathways that enable a candidate to be eligible for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology. Choose a major that best suits your general interests and aptitude. You can refer to the Education page found hereand the Application Checklist to see the additional courses each pathway requires.Contact the BCCA for more info and you can ask to be put in touch with a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist (CCA) for more guidedance.
  • Are there study materials for the exam and if so, what are they?"
    The Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplstology has prepared a Study Guide which can be found here.The BCCA has also prepared a list of sample questions that can be found here. See our dedicated page to all our doucments and forms here.
  • I am thinking about pursuing anaplastology as a career but before I make the decision, I would like some more firsthand exposure to what anaplastologists do.  Do you have any recommendations on how to receive this experience?"
    Check the list of CCAs we have on the website here to see if there is a CCA that is local that you can consult with. John Hopkins has a certificate course that gives exposure to training and the field of Anaplastology. Information can be found here. The International Anaplastology Association has yearly meetings and reduced costs for students to attend and a person interested in anaplastology can meet people practicing anaplstology at the conference which may help them to find someone willing to help them.
©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

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