The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

Maintaining Certification in Clinical Anaplastology
Maintaining the CCA Designation

The BCCA certification program distinguishes anaplastologists with a proficiency and a commitment to advancing clinical anaplastology best practices and industry standards.
In order to maintain certification through BCCA, credentialed individuals are required to comply with the BCCA Code of Conduct and Administrative Procedures and the continuing education standards as set forth by the Board of Directors.
Please see here the list of qualifying activities to obtain continuing education credits.
Continuing Education Requirements

Board Certified Anaplastologists will need to renew their certification every three years and they will need to accrue sufficient continuing education credits during this period to support their certification renewal.
November 1 is now the deadline for all CCA renewal applications. If you have an existing certification that ends after November 1 (e.g., 11/20/19) thus making your deadline November 1 of the following year (for the same example, 11/1/2020), there will be a gap for which you can receive a temporary certification to validate your credentialed status.
All present Certified Clinical Anaplastologists will receive an email stating the date when their certification is up for renewal. Contact us if you are uncertain of your renewal date
Board Certified Clinical Anaplastologists will need to provide evidence of the continuing education credits they obtained to maintain their certification.
To assist members to track their your continuing education credits annually, the BCCA developed the following form:
Please note that verification of the credits is required and you may upload files within the link above. Utilizing this link on an annual basis is optional; it is simply a tool to help you easily report your continuing educational activities.
Even though we have changed the recertification cycle to every three years instead of every five years, the same average number of 12 total CEUs annually is required; instead of 60 CEUs over the course of 5 years, we are now requesting 36 CEUs over the course of 3 years.
Please contact us to ask when your certification is due for renewal or please come to see us at our booth at the International Anaplastology Association conference.
Click here to learn what activities qualify for continuing education credits, the amount of credits earned per activity and the documents required as proof of having completed a continuing education activity.