The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

Certified Clinical Anaplastologists
The CCA Designation
The BCCA certification program distinguishes anaplastologists with a proficiency and a commitment to advancing clinical anaplastology best practices and industry standards.
The Certified Clinical Anaplastologist (CCA) is formal recognition for anaplastologist professionals who have met rigorous and demanding eligibility requirements, including formal education, subsequent supervised practice in professional clinical anaplastology, passing of the examination, and demonstration of a depth and breadth of knowledge appropriate for effective practice in the profession of anaplastology.
In order to maintain certification through BCCA, credentialed individuals are required to comply with the BCCA Code of Conduct and Administrative Procedures and the continuing education standards as set forth by the Board of Directors.
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© 2017 Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology BCCA