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Educational Requirements to Qualify to Become a CCA

Educational Pathways to Qualify for CCA

The BCCA has established Five (5) eligibility pathways that can lead to qualifying to sit for the exam for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology. The BCCA only recognizes degrees or transcripts from accredited educational institutions in the USA. If the candidates received all or part of their education outside of the USA  the education done outside of the USA will need to be assessed by a third party to determine its equivalency.  

Each pathway requires additional courses that provide the candidate with the breath of knowledge and skills required of a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist.  These courses most also be taken from an accredited USA based educational institution or be the equivalent. 

What is an accredited educational program?


Accreditation is the analysis and study of educational programs. It measures the quality of the programs and if they are offered equally to all students in the institution. If a university is “accredited,” it means a group of experts took time to evaluate its operation system and that it meets the needed standard to be called granted an accreditation. The U.S Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education, also known as OPE, has a database with all the accredited institutions in the country. They do not accredit educational institutions. Rather, they publish the list of those the Secretary of Education described as reliable, in areas like quality and training provided to students.


Check to see if the course you you plan to take is offered by an institution on the Department of Education's Office of Post Secondary Education here 

Applicants who received their education outside of the USA must have their courses evaluated by to determine if they are equivalent to courses offered by a USA accredited institution. 

In addition to the different degree pathways that are required to be eligible each pathways requires different supplementary courses from the list below.   

Course A:  CPR/Advanced Life Support         


Course B: Privacy and Ethical Practices (i.e. HIPAA or Equivalent Training)


Course C: Infection Control Practices (covering HIV, Hepatitis, MRSA and Tuberculosis infection control        


Course D: Human Anatomy OR Human Anatomy & Physiology       


Course E: Human Pathology OR Human Pathophysiology


Course F: Chemistry with lab OR Materials Science


Course G: Medical Terminology


Course H: Painting OR Color Theory  


Course I: Figure OR Portrait Drawing


Course J: Figurative Sculpture OR Portrait Bust Sculpture    


Course K: Materials and Methods in Sculpture (i.e., Mold Making and Casting)     


Course L: 3D Digital Modeling and Fabrication         


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