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Special Testing Requests 

All of the documents and application forms referred to on this site can be found on the page BCCA PDFs. Information may change and forms are periodically updated so applicants must make reference to the BCCA PDFs page to be sure they are using updated application forms and have accurate information documents. 

CCA Candidates With A Disability 

BCCA will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for candidates and will provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with a disability covered by this Act.

The information provided by candidates and any documentation regarding such disability and special accommodation, will be treated with strict confidentiality and will not be shared with any source, without the candidate’s express written permission, except for BCCA and authorized testing consultants.


Candidates requiring special accommodations must complete the Special Accommodations Request Form and the Disability-Related Needs Request Form (signed from a licensed healthcare provider) before scheduling the exam. These forms should be submitted with the examination application to BCCA. Arrangements for special accommodations may take up to 45 days to coordinate. Reasonable accommodations provide candidates with disabilities a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency in the essential functions being measured by the examination.


Reasonable accommodations are decided based upon:


  • the individual’s specific request,

  • the individual’s specific disability,

  • documentation submitted,

  • the appropriateness of the request.


Reasonable accommodations generally are provided for candidates who:


  • have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits that person in one or more major life activities (e.g. walking, talking, hearing, performing manual tasks)

  • have a record of such physical or mental impairment

  • are regarded as having a physical or mental impairment



Requests for accommodations will be reviewed by the Executive Director to ensure the request can be processed without jeopardizing the integrity or security of the examination. The Executive Director, or staff designee, will personally communicate with the candidate to ensure all processes and procedures are explained and that a testing appointment is scheduled to accommodate their needs accordingly.

©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

All materials posted on this site are subject to copyrights owned by the Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology.  All other reproduction, retransmission, or reprinting of all or part of any document found on this site are expressly prohibited unless the Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology has expressly granted its prior written consent to reproduce, retransmit, or reprint the material. All other rights are reserved. 

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